
Best 5 ASP.net web application framework Ever

5 Best ASP.net web application framework

  1. OpenRasta

    OpenRasta is a Asp.net based web application framework specially designed to build web based applications and services. The framework is released under Open-Source MIT License and mainly focus on development around resources and HTTP methods. User can easily create REST-friendly User interfaces by using OpenRasta web application framework. Visit :OpenRasta
  2. MonoRail

    MonoRail is a ASP.net MVC web framework inspired by Action Pack. it offer different approach for development of application from the standard WebForms way of development as it enforces separation of concerns, where controllers just handle application flow, models represent the data, and the view is just concerned about presentation logic. it means you can write less code and end up with a more maintainable application. Visit : MonoRail MVC Web Framework
  3. DotNetNuke

    DotNetNuke is an easy to use, Flexible and open source web content management system andweb application framework based on Microsoft .NET platform. The framework is written in VB.NET and released under both a Community Edition BSD-style license and commercial proprietary licenses as the Professional and Enterprise Editions. Visit : DotNetNuke WCMS for ASP.NET
  4. CSLA.net

    CSLA.net is a Asp.net based application development framework that allow you to build powerful web application for Windows, Web, service-oriented and workflow applications and reduces the cost of building and maintaining applications. it mainly focus on the common issues of getting data into and out of the database or creating a flexible User interface. The framework allow developer to use power of object-oriented design as the basis for creating powerful web applications. Visit : CSLA .NET – Application development framework

    Asp.net MVC Framework is a web application framework that use powerful, Model view controller patterns to build dynamic websites and web application that enables a clean separation of concerns and that gives you full control over markup for enjoyable, agile development. The Framework have so many useful features that allow fast and TDD-friendly web development for creating sophisticated web applications that use the latest web standards. Visit :ASP.NET MVC Framework

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